Friday, August 25, 2017

WTF? Real Monster Truck on Bad Piggies?!

So, about this big wheel, this is a contraption part since Bad Piggies v1.3. And then got deleted on Bad Piggies v1.5. I think because I mentioned that thing on Twitter, it got deleted on the next version, it could be coincidence. Anyway, if you want this mod, you need :
For Android, uh, I cannot find anywhere on the Google now. But if you want, try search "Bad Piggies 1.3 unlimited items mod" or "Bad Piggies 1.4 unlimited items mod", and try the apk if it's works or not... I cannot find the one that works sadly :(.

To install the mod on the PC :
  1. Download my mod, it's zip containing "Assembly-CSharp.dll"
  2. Goto "%PROGRAMFILES%\Rovio Entertainment Ltd\Bad Piggies\BadPiggies_Data\Managed"
  3. Rename "Assembly-CSharp.dll" to "Assembly-CSharp.dll.backup" (in case you want to uninstall my mod, you can just delete the mod one and renamed this back to the original name)
  4. Extract my modded dll to that folder
  5. Play the game :D
Few notes :
  • Unfortunately, to play Fields of Dreams and other locked levels... You should have legit registration/serial key. Most Bad Piggies cracker using Assembly-CSharp.dll to bypass the registration.
  • This mod doesn't include bigger contraption, build outside grid, and TNT rain. Just 250 items and the big wheel. Sorry guys :(

Thanks for visiting! And have fun! :D